

Thursday, October 4, 2012


We are Maoqi Zhu and Xinyi Zhu, students taking EDU 309-02 Social Studies this semester.

Introduction of the topic:
China's one child policy is one major policy since 1979 in order to limit China's population exponential growth. The gist of this policy is to limits couples to one child and aborts subsequent pregnancies.  There are mainly two groups of people holding different opinions. Someone agrees that one child policy has resulted in prominent outcomes. After the rule has been executed nearly thirty years, China's population has been controlled in a releasably and slowly growing way. Others may disagree this rule because there have negative influences occurred. First and foremost, one child policy will aggravate the aging problem in the future because one couple has to take the responsibility of their both parents. Moreover, due to the Chinese traditional notion of preferring boys to girls, the problem of female infants discard has been increasingly apparent. The unbalanced gender ratio will cause unexpected social problems. The most controversial discussion is that this rule has violated the basic human rights. This policy is still a controversial topic.

The Policies Connected to One Child Policy:
Compulsory Education
Medical Insurance


The Governmental Branch That Created The Policy:
National People's Congress

Individual Opinion:
From my perspective, I don't like this policy because it truly violates the basic human rights and it exists numerous serious sufferings for a family. For example, in 2008 Sichuan earthquake, there are a lot of parents lost their only child and the families were totally destroyed. However, based on the contemporary population situation in China, one child policy is a suitable and effective policy for current China so far.

I am Xinyi and I currently believe One Child Policy cannot be abolished because the current status of population is still severe. Moreover, there are many problems caused by overloaded population, such as the crowdedness in big cities, the poverty of countryside, the challenge in transportation, and other questions. So if we stop using it now, much more problems must happen. Another reason is that Chinese government has revised it several times to make it more about humanity. It decreases many unnecessary problems and reduce the sadness of unexpected accidents. According to these reasons, I entirely support this policy.

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